This year Golden Week will be ten consecutive days of holidays in Japan. Normally, Golden Week consists of four national holidays in a seven day period, but this year, with the abdication of the current emperor and his son ascending to the throne, it becomes a rare ten day holiday period.
It begins with the weekend, Saturday the 27th and Sunday the 28th, followed by the first national holiday, Showa Day on Monday the 29th. Showa Day is the birthday of the former Emperor, who died in 1989.
This year a one time holiday was created on May 1st to celebrate the Crown Prince's succession, followed by the regular holidays May 3rd (Constitution Day), 4th (Greenery Day), and 5th (Children's Day). Japanese law stipulates that any weekday sandwiched between national holiday becomes a holiday, so April 30th and May 2nd become holidays this year. In addition, because Children's Day (May 5th) falls on a Sunday, it is observed on Monday the 6th.
April 27th through May 6th makes Golden Week ten days this year. There will be an additional holiday this year on October 22nd, Sokuirei Seiden no Gi, an enthronement event for the new Emperor.
Since the end of World War II, Japan has enacted special laws to create holidays for imperial celebrations three other times. The Emperor and Empress were married on April 10, 1959; the enthronement of the Emperor on November 12, 1990; and the wedding of of the Crown Prince and Princess on June 9, 1993. In addition February 24, 1989 was designated a one time holiday due to the funeral of the current Emperor's father.
Most Japanese people I have talked to are not sure what to do with such a long holiday! Many are also worried about hospitals, banks and some shops being closed. Those who have to work are worried what their kids will be doing all alone when school is closed. I will be watching some of the events on TV.
What a schedule! It sounds like it will be loads of fun and really spectacular. I'll be eager to see your photos!
Most Japanese people I have talked to are not sure what to do with such a long holiday! Many are also worried about hospitals, banks and some shops being closed. Those who have to work are worried what their kids will be doing all alone when school is closed.
I will be watching some of the events on TV.
That is a WAY long holiday. Almost like a vacation. Are the businesses closed without paying employees for those days? Just wondering.
xx, Carol
10 days! And here I thought our 4 day Easter weekend was nice. Do you have anything special planned?
Enjoy your extended holiday.
We have Japanese friends but the father is a doctor and perhaps this is why he has to work during Golden Week.
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