Tuesday, June 21, 2022

The Gas Man

Yesterday the gas company man came to my apartment to check the gas detectors. Although I shouldn't have been surprised because people always give gifts in Japan, I was surprised that he gave me two gifts - a roll of toilet paper and a plastic document sleeve. I love living in Japan.


Leonore Winterer said...

That toilet paper would have been a valuable gift two years ago!

Queeniepatch said...

I agree, there is an element of surprise in every day in Japan. It IS a fascinating country!
These gifts, of course, are smart (for the gas company) and sly (for us), as they are to promote the use of gas. A bribe? An encouragement? Whatever, the gifts are useful, so let's be grateful.

Lin said...

Haha, well toilet paper is always useful. xx

Vireya said...

That's a bit of fun, and both gifts could come in handy!

kiwikid said...

Are you expected to give something in return?