Thursday, May 14, 2015

Fifteen Minutes of Fame

Last fall I wrote about my brief career as a model.  Yesterday, Ted and I were part of an HTB (Hokkaido Television Broadcast) channel 6 program.  Yes, that’s right, we are going to be on TV.  We don’t know when and we’re not sure we even get the channel. (This is another case of not knowing what’s going on, even after it’s over.)

This is the advertisement I answered by email:
Two "Western-looking" foreigners are needed 4:00 to 6:00 pm this Wednesday, May 13th in Odori, Sapporo to be English-speaking passengers in the Velotaxi (bike taxi) for a local TV show.  In the show, a presenter tries to learn new skills and this corner will feature him trying out the job of Velotaxi driver and guide - in English....

Unfortunately, there is no pay for this job, probably TV company goods etc and the chance to be on TV only.

Japanese language skills not required at all.

All they wanted to know was our nationality, our ages, and our jobs. Maybe no one else applied, I don’t know, but they picked us.  After Japanese class in Sapporo, we went to the agreed upon spot and met up with the TV people. A cute young Japanese guy (who works for the TV station) was trying out the job of bicycle taxi driver.  We were hooked up to microphones and go-pro cameras were in the vehicle, as well as a camera man in the bike taxi ahead of us. We were given a little tour around Odori Park and the Old Government Building while chatting with our driver.

It was really fun and we got a free tour.  If you see us on TV, please let me know!


D1-D2 said...

The driver is cute ;)

Janie said...

There you go having fun, again, and a cute driver too, how do you manage all this?

Beth in IL said...

Looks like fun!

Anthea said...

Wow, what a fun experience Pamela!

Queeniepatch said...

What fun!

Linda in Arkansas said...

Wow! What an amazing adventure - and what fun!

Anonymous said...


Jamie said...

How cool! I love how you are still able to have so many great adventures even after having been there this long. It's like a never ending vacation and I am happy to be able to live them vicariously through you and your blog!

Jamie said...

How cool! I love how you are still able to have so many great adventures even after having been there this long. It's like a never ending vacation and I am happy to be able to live them vicariously through you and your blog!

Jamie said...

How cool! I love how you are still able to have so many great adventures even after having been there this long. It's like a never ending vacation and I am happy to be able to live them vicariously through you and your blog!