After breakfast in my hotel, I headed out. The weather was gorgeous.
I met a German woman and we walked together for about half a day. Mid-morning we stopped for a cup of coffee at a sea side cafe.
We stopped for lunch at this place.
After lunch, we headed out again. The views were so beautiful.
We saw this church up on a hill and decided we needed to climb up to take a look. I was glad we did.
There were so many interesting things to see along the way.
Shortly after this, I said good-bye to my new friend. She was walking the inland route after this and I continued along the coast. I'll have more pictures from my trip soon.
Year Two of the temperature quilt
Week 51
April 14 - 20
66, 70, 70, 64, 72, 75, 67
I am reporting the high temperature each day. My Year Two temperature/color (Fahrenheit) scheme remains the same:
100 + Brown
90-99 Red
80-89 Orange
70-79 Yellow
60-69 Green
50-59 Blue
40-49 Purple
30-39 Pink
20-29 White
10-19 Black
After traveling more than 24 hours to get to Porto, I was tired but wanted to be on Portugal time as soon as possible since I would begin my walk the next day. I spent the afternoon walking around the historic area of Porto before heading to my hotel.
The scallop shell and yellow arrow are the symbols and direction signs for the Camino.
Hotel Da Bolsa in Porto - my room
I'll be back soon with photos of my walk.