I've been having such a good time with my kimono butterfly handkerchief bags that I thought the stitch group would enjoy them also.
While we stitched we discussed out next get-together, an outing to the flea market. The L-R thing is difficult for Japanese speakers, so they were surprised to find out we were going to the Flea Market, not the Free Market. We also talked about the Tokyo International Great Quilt Festival 2019 in January. I hope we are all able to attend together!
These bags will be so useful to keep sewing items in. The most troublesome thing with L-R problems is when there is both an L- and an R-word (light/right, fly/fry, led/red.... as opposed to words that become wrongly spelt (Rondon, frower, plinsess...) and you can see the mistake.
Great idea Pam.
I like the variety of fabrics and butterflies taking shape.
Looks like a good snack too.
These bags will be so useful to keep sewing items in.
The most troublesome thing with L-R problems is when there is both an L- and an R-word (light/right, fly/fry, led/red.... as opposed to words that become wrongly spelt (Rondon, frower, plinsess...) and you can see the mistake.
The bags will be wonderful.
Everyone hard at work making something beautiful
Some lovely colours there!
Looks like a lot of fun!
Barbara xx
Your bags look like a lot of fun for the stitching group! Enjoy the Flea Market, I’m sure there will be lots of fun finds made!
I bet everyone loved the butterfly bags :) And the flea market might offer some great supplies for all of you to make more of them!
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