Sunday, April 16, 2023

Ashigaru Museum, Kanazawa

This was an interesting little complex of historical buildings that I just happened upon as I was walking in the samurai district. It is well kept and has information in several languages and is free to visit.


Toki said...

Ashigaru is the lowest rank in battle.
Usually peasants, they were hired as infantryman for war.
That is, ordinary people.
I still like studying history. I am particularly Interested in the lives of ordinary people in the past.
Thank you for noticing the Ashigaru Museum and taking a picture.
It is surprising that there are several rooms and that they have toilets.

Thank you Pamela.

Jeanie said...

That a charming area to walk. I love how you stumple on things and this is a very nice museum!

Queeniepatch said...

I am so happy these houses can be seen by the public, free of charge and that the explanation is in several languages. Bravo Kanazawa!

Leonore Winterer said...

It's amazing how all these interesting museums are free to visit but still maintained so well!