Sunday, August 25, 2024

Komuroyama Hike

Komurayama Park features 321 meter high Mt. Komuro. From the wood deck at the top there is a 360 degree view of the area, including Mt. Fuji, Sagami Bay, the Boso Peninsula, and the islands of Izu. From late April to early May, a hundred thousand azaleas create a carpet of red. I'll have to go back for that!

English information is available in the parking area at the bottom.

Wild boars are a dangerous problem here. You can see areas where they have dug up the ground.

Cage traps are set up to catch them. I don't know what happens to them after that.  Fortunately, I did see any boars on this hike.

Near the top is a little shrine.

At the very top is a wood walkway, which was closed when I was there.  Maybe it was too early in the day?

The views from the top are breath taking.

If you don't want to hike to the top, there is a chair lift.


There is a small memorial near the parking area at the bottom.

It was a gorgeous day for a hike!


diamondc said...

Pamela: Another very amazing place you have shared with us, I hope if you go back when the flowers are blooming you share the photos with us, I find the very last photo very interesting, I love seeing unusual buildings, this one is very different.


Jeanie said...

What a view! This is really a remarkable place. I'd love to see that azalea carpet, too.

Queeniepatch said...

What a beautiful day for an outing to this park with its stunning views.
Dish #1 is where the wild boar goes!

Leonore Winterer said...

321 metres doesn't sound like much of a mountain, but the view is stunning none the less! How beautiful it must be when everything is covered in red flowers too.