Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Dinosaur Space

Walking down from the top of Komurayama, there was a side path that went to the Dinosaur Space.  Not knowing what a dinosaur space was, I went down the path to take a look.

You can't see all the creatures at once.  As you walk along, you see another, then walk along, something else. They are cleverly arranged.

This sign is helpful for identification!

The views from the Dinosaur Space are gorgeous.

I think this one is looking for dinner.

What a fun place!

Fortunately, I made it out alive!


Queeniepatch said...

What a fantastic place! Children must love it!
Is it allowed to have picnics there?

Jeanie said...

This looks fun. My grands would love it!

Leonore Winterer said...

That pretty cool! Probably a good way to peel your kids away from their screens and out into nature, as well.