Saturday, August 10, 2024

Yokohama Silk Museum

This is a great museum!  It is located about a 20 minute walk from Sakuragicho Station in Yokohama. Adult admission is 500 yen and it is open from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm. There is a museum shop that opens at noon. Signage is in both Japanese and English. Photography is allowed in most but not all areas.

The first floor started with some interactive displays.  I imagine children's groups visit and learn here.

It was interesting to see how many cocoons are needed to make these items.

The second floor started with displays of silk clothing from all over the world. All displays on this floor are behind glass and reflections are unavoidable.

The next section was clothing from different eras in Japan.

Great museum!  Try not to miss it if you are in Yokohama.


diamondc said...

Congratulations on the bag finish, the museum is amazing, love seeing the silk weavers and the machines they used, the different clothing styles, it is also amazing how they while weaving they are able to add designs in the fabric.


Queeniepatch said...

Oh, I want to go!

Jeanie said...

This looks fascinating from beginning to end. The kimonos are gorgeous but seeing the process and all is really intriguing. It looks like it is more than well worth the admission fee!

Leonore Winterer said...

Oh, another great museum find! I feel like this is the kind of museum you just never make time for when you are just visiting a country for a couple weeks.