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So serene. There are some Very old statues there.
That is another lovely temple, maybe the sign says it is ok to catch the cicadas on the trees with your butterfly net 😁
I think the denomination of this temple
is Zen temple.A mixture of new and old.
So I may be restless.It's a mysterious
I think the sign is seasonal letter,So
I think it will be a different sign in the fall.
This temple is a little different in architecture, don't you think?
I asked my husband to help with the reading and translation.
I guess it is some kind of 'seasonal greeting', 'wisdom', saying or maybe haiku...
'The voice of a cicada has nothing to do with a zen temple' is what Google translate offered, but I guess it really means that a zen temple is supposed to be quiet, but in summer the cicadas do make the temple noisy. (and they think it is good; a summer sound)
If you look at the website of the temple there are short videos of other seasonal greetings.
雨の日雨と遊う On a rainy day, play with the rain.
寄せ返す波のおかげでかども取れ サーアフー地蔵 Thanks to the coming and going of waves hard edges are polished off. Surfer Jizo
There is also a sign saying>
花よりも花の咲かせる土となれ Become the soil that makes flowers bloom rather than a flower.
You have found a good point. Their differences give visitors a precious time of discovery.
Pamela: I would love to visit the Shrines, there seems to be many in Japan, they all look like they are very well cared for.
You finally caught some maintenance men in the act! The temples always look so well maintained, we knew there must be workers doing that. And now you have seen some.
Thanks to the earlier commenters for explaining the cicada signs.
All the hard work these men are putting in is showing, the temple looks so well cared for!
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