Monday, March 14, 2022

Monday Morning Star Count - Week 44

I'm still working on year two hand quilting but no new photo.

Year five of the temperature quilt 

Week 44

February  27 - March 5

61, 59, 63, 59, 57, 54, 64


I am reporting the high temperature each day.  My Year Five temperature/color scheme remains the same as previous years: 

100+ Brown 

90-99 Red 

80-89 Orange 

70-79 Yellow 

60-69 Green 

50-59 Blue 

40-49 Purple 

30-39 Pink 

20-29 White 

You can see my finished Year One Quilt here.


Queeniepatch said...

If you were in Tokyo you would need a piece of yellow fabric today.

Anonymous said...

It seems that you can see the yellow petals immediately.

Pollen is currently flying around in Japan. Mainly Sugi pollen. Are you hay fever?
I have hay fever. I had a fever last week,my eyes hurt,and itching become worse.
It's every year,but I'm not used to it.😣

Leonore Winterer said...

I like that background fabric, great contrast to all the green and blue!