Friday, May 31, 2024

Friday Finish - Little Toolie Basket

Finally!  The stitching was finished long ago, but the construction was stopping me from finishing this. It was a little finicky, but I'm happy with it.

The stitching and the cording were done with Waterlilies #177 thread. The designer is Simona Bussiglieri.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Verkehr Museum - "Meisen Exhibition Summer"

The first floor of this local museum is the permanent Maritime or Port display.  The second floor displays change.  The current display is called Meisen Exhibition Summer, according to the translation of the museum's website. 

This is the outside of the museum.

This is the exhibit flyer.

Information from the website (translated, so some things may sound strange).

Photos are not allowed in this area of the museum, but I wish they were so you could see the beautiful kimono collection. The pieces were rather sheer and looked very cool and modern.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Work In Progress Wednesday

New Start - Christmas Treasures Afghan 

This is a very old Dimensions kit. I don't remember when I bought it, but obviously before I moved to Japan. The date on the package is 2001 and the price tag says Hobby Lobby $36.17. When I opened it I was surprised at how small the afghan is.  I started stitching the first square of 14 squares.

Japanese pattern 7

The Quiltmaker - after my previous post about this piece, I saw I made a major counting mistake. I'm slowly unstitching. I have to go back to the pin.

And finally,  I made a little cord controller for my iron. Simple but effective.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Stitch Group Sunday

Show and Tell - one stitcher completely finished her candlewicking piece into a little zipper pouch, and everyone had the stitching finished on the candlewicking piece.

One person had to leave early before I took any pictures of her, but she was almost finished with the day's project - one day project: strawberry pin cushion.

Cute little pincushions!

Finishing our get together with tea time.

When we meet again, we will start a new project.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Monday Morning Star Count - Three Hand Towels

I stitched one hexagon flower to each hand towel.  The little towels measure 30 cm x 70 cm when unfolded.

Simple, but I like how they turned out.  I might make some more.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Election Day


Today is election day in Shizuoka Prefecture for the new governor, after the previous governor resigned (was forced to resign?). You can check out that story on this post.  

The official campaign kicked off on May 9th, with the election day today, May 26th. The picture boards are put up all over the election area two weeks before every election. The other election thing that seems odd to me is, starting two weeks before the election, candidates and their supporters drive around in vans with loud speakers shouting out the candidates' names.

Six people filed as candidates: Shinichi Omura, 60, former deputy governor of Shizuoka who is backed by the Liberal Democratic Party; Yasutomo Suzuki, 66, a former mayor of Hamamatsu City supported by the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and the Democratic Party for the People; Daisuke Mori, 55, prefectural chairman of the Japanese Communist Party, former company employee Masafumi Yokoyama, 56; home business owner Takeshi Murakami, 73; and company president Satomi Hamanaka, 62.  

Two of the six candidates are said to be locked in a neck and neck battle, according to a telephone survey conducted by the Yomiuri Shimbun. These two are former Hamamatsu Mayor Yasutomo Suzuki, 66, and former Deputy Governor Shinichi Omura, 60. 

May the best candidate win!

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Kaikozan Joshun Temple

This is a beautiful hidden little temple, tucked in a neighborhood.

I love when I am out for a walk and come across these places.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Numazu Flood Gate Observation Deck

My friend, who is an English instructor at a nearby university, invited me to observe her presentation class students give presentations on their home towns. I was impressed by their English skills and learned about other places in Japan. 

After the class ended, we went to Numazu Port.  First we went to the Numazu Port Flood Gate Observation Deck.  I had read about this place and wanted to visit, so I was glad she suggested it. 

The cost is only 100 yen for adults and you can go up one side and down the other (by elevator), go out and reenter with the same ticket.

The view from the top is very nice and you can see in all directions.

This is the floor of the observation deck.

After visiting the flood gate observation deck, we ate fresh fish at a Numazu port restaurant. We both ordered the same thing - raw tuna rice bowl, with miso soup.

It was a great afternoon!

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Work In Progress Wednesday

I'm doing some stitching for a birthday gift that I want to keep a secret for now, so I won't show that yet.

Japanese Pattern 6

Another little Huck Weaving piece.

Kimono Remake - I've started adding kimono fabric to an aikido jacket.  I plan to add pockets and a band at the end of the sleeves.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Japan's New Heat Stroke Alert System

It seems like every summer is hotter and longer than the last. I was interested in the special heat stroke alert system that Japan's Environment Ministry launched this year, as part of efforts to address the ever increasing number of deaths due to summer heat. 

Each prefecture will have their own special alert, based on the heat stress index calculated from temperature and humidity at observation points within the prefecture. If widespread and dangerous heat is forecast, the Ministry will make an announcement around 2 pm the day before to call for cancelling or postponing sports and other events. Municipalities will open designated facilities such as libraries and community centers to residents as cooling shelters.  

This new system was created as annual deaths from heat stroke have exceeded 1000 in recent years in Japan. Average temperatures in the summer of 2023 were the highest since the Japan Meterological Agency becan recording data in 1898. 

The heat stroke alert system will be in effect through October 23 of this year.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Monday Morning Star Count

More individual hexagons for the flip edge.

More hand quilting.

This is a long slow project.