Monday, September 20, 2021

Monday Morning Star Count - Week 19

Today is a national holiday in Japan - Respect for the Aged Day.  I have to feel good about a culture that honors the elderly with a national holiday.

Year five of the temperature quilt 

Week 19 

September 5 - 11

77, 70, 77, 73, 75, 88, 84

I am reporting the high temperature each day.  My Year Five temperature/color scheme remains the same as previous years: 

100+ Brown 

90-99 Red 

80-89 Orange 

70-79 Yellow 

60-69 Green 

50-59 Blue 

40-49 Purple 

30-39 Pink 

20-29 White 

You can see my finished Year One Quilt here.


Julie Fukuda said...

Honoring elders is in words only. The "Silver Seats" on trains, intended for the elderly and handicapped are filled with the youngest and fastest, their faces glued to their devices so they can't even see the elderly standing in front of them. Driving tests for elderly have been made hard to take with two trips to far from town center and a lot of standing in long lines for demining tests. With the passing of my dog, I learn I am "too old" to own another. Forget about the advantages to health and longevity a pet provides. Even the government has forgotten the hard work after the war to build back, was done by those very people who are now a burden on society.

Anonymous said...

Respect for the Aged day. In Japan,I feel that it is different from the purpose when it was set.
「The day to give something/The day to receive something」
Where did the feelings of Respect and gratitude go?

The temperature quilt. I'm glad that yellow has increased. I miss the green.

Queeniepatch said...

I agree with Julie, the respect is mainly shown to the elderly by their own families.

Respect seems to mean care, the care the younger generation think the older ones want - there is no respecting the will of the elderly.
I think the OAPs have very little to say in Japan, I am afraid.

Leonore Winterer said...

Looks like it is finally cooling down a little!